We Are Ready.


Theresa O’Dwyer, Owner~Professional Organizer

Hello & Welcome!!

I have a confession...

I don't always have it all together!

That's right. I understand the burden of having the heaviness of  'everything'  weighing on me... Being the glue that holds so many areas of  family life together... Being the one on whom everyone depends and bending under the stress of it all.  When the children were small, there just wasn't enough time in the day to get to everything. Then there was the guilt of not being able to “do it all” while making every thing in my home look beautiful and tidy. Sound familiar? Yes, I have been where you may be today. It's not a good feeling. During those overwhelming seasons of my life I would find myself in survival mode.  I wore many hats;  a wife, a mother of four children, a homeschool teacher, a guardian for a special needs sibling, a full-time career, a home renovator, a volunteer, an artist & an entrepreneur...Whew!

Somewhere along the way to becoming a mom to four wonderful grown-ups with marriages and careers of their own, a grandmother & a successful businesswoman in a career that inspires me every day...I discovered that while my "Things to Do" list was still seemingly never ending, I was doing a pretty good job keeping it organized after all! 

How did I keep from being completely overwhelmed in the busyness of all the chaos?  The underlying theme to my life has been, and still is, finding peace by being rooted in my faith in God and my ability to prioritize the details. I have a canvas hanging on the wall with this message "The definition of Family: the perfect balance of chaos and love."  Thats it! A balance. Life can be messy. Keep what is truly meaningful, necessary, important and useful and trim back the rest. 

I started this business to help others reclaim their desired life among the messiness of the everyday. Sometimes we just need a little help seeing the big picture.  We need to ask ourselves if we own our stuff? Or does our stuff own us?  With the help of a skilled organizer, those areas in our home (you know, the ones that we wouldn't dare let anyone else see) will become beautiful, neat and tidy spaces. After the Tidy Magnolia finishes, you will find yourself feeling confident and wishing your guests would open that closet for a peek... Are you beginning to get excited about the potential? I am! So bring on those overstuffed closets, piles of shoes at the door & disorganized kitchen cupboards...I will help you restore order, and show you how to keep it that way.  You will soon find the much needed time to start enjoying the things you have put on the back burner...and bring back the peace of mind of knowing everything is Tidy and in its place.